Oboto, also known as Bubinga, is a large tree that grows in tropical regions of Central Africa, reaching heights of 40-50 meters with a diameter of 1-2 meters. The bole is cylindrical, straight, and often free of branches for a significant length, making it ideal for timber production.
Oboto (Bubinga) wood is known for its attractive appearance with heartwood ranging from pinkish-red to dark red-brown, often with purple streaks or veining. It has a fine texture and interlocked grain, giving it a decorative and figured look. The sapwood is pale yellow, sharply differentiated from the heartwood.
Oboto wood is highly prized for its beauty and strength. It is commonly used in high-end furniture, luxury veneer, cabinetry, musical instruments (such as guitar bodies), and turned objects. It is durable, stable, and works well with both hand and machine tools, though care is needed due to its interlocked grain. The wood polishes to a high sheen, making it highly sought after in decorative applications.
Oboto, also known as Bubinga, is a large tree that grows in tropical regions of Central Africa, reaching heights of 40-50 meters with a diameter of 1-2 meters. The bole is cylindrical, straight, and often free of branches for a significant length, making it ideal for timber production.
Oboto (Bubinga) wood is known for its attractive appearance with heartwood ranging from pinkish-red to dark red-brown, often with purple streaks or veining. It has a fine texture and interlocked grain, giving it a decorative and figured look. The sapwood is pale yellow, sharply differentiated from the heartwood.
Oboto wood is highly prized for its beauty and strength. It is commonly used in high-end furniture, luxury veneer, cabinetry, musical instruments (such as guitar bodies), and turned objects. It is durable, stable, and works well with both hand and machine tools, though care is needed due to its interlocked grain. The wood polishes to a high sheen, making it highly sought after in decorative applications.
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